I love Susan Boyle! She's really an amazing person. When it seems as though the world was against her, when people ostracised her & thought she could never succeed, she shook us out of that very shallow and cynical judgment. She is indeed an inspiration to all of us out there! If a 48-year-old woman can sing with such emotion, passion and confidence, so can you! It just takes a little courage and faith in yourself. Let's dream dreams friends!
I have a BIG dream. It may seem really impossible to accomplish. But i'll try!
I want to travel with a medical and social team to Africa! Protect those innocent people against viruses that they can't afford to go for treatment and build stable houses for them to stay comfortably. & I want to be a singer. I want to influence and impact the world through my songs and my voice. I want to perform & be an inspiration to all.
I want, I want, I want. Only by the Grace of God, I am.