Monday, August 10, 2009

PW meeting at my house today was pretty good.
i mean what more can i expect?
i am sorry i messed my pasta up. it's usually my signature dish..but i guess i estimated wrongly the amount of sauce needed. Thanks guys for finishing it up anyway!
ikea chicken wings. yum.
lots of tidbits! sponsered by mummy(:

the meeting had its distracting moments definitely. haha we wacthed WALL-E while doing WR. and played guitar. listen to songs. talking. playing-a-fool..

it was fun!

and the day went by. evening.
emelia, xuxun and i talked.
quite long.
we shared.
we came clean and honest about our feelings.
and later, we made a deal.
about how we should remind and encourage each other to work hard from now on!
and about other issues that cannot be revealed.
we had the same sentiments for almost evrything. That made me very touched, and very happy of course, because i never realise that there are actually people who feel the same way as i do.

must be some angels blessing us huh.

i like this song by chen wei lian.
touching <3