Saturday, November 14, 2009

gee. it hurts.

mummy brought me to the sinseh this morning to get my backpain problem treated.
and oh my, i so don't wanna go back there again!!!
it's extremely extremely painful!!!!
you can actually hear my bone crack! O.o
like seriously, even my mum who is sitting 3 metres away could hear the loud crack sound so clearly!

=( it's really awful.
and not only did the shifu cracked my right and left back bones. he cracked my neck and shoulder area too.
and gosh, for a moment, i thought my head is dropping off!

the shifu is really a nice and funny guy. fatherly too(:
and what an expert in cracking bones!
so while i was gasping in pain, crying out loud (really i was crying), i was actually laughing too.
i know, sounds funny but that was exactly what happened.

he kept talking so as to keep me distracted from what he's gonna do next, the cracking and twisting of my bones.
yes, and all happened so fast that i could hardly take a breath.
what a quick yet painful experience.

now that the stiffness in my shoulders is loosened, i feel better!
but shifu comically warned that for the next 2 days, my entire back is going to hurt alot.
well, side effect i guess.
after which, if the pain is gone, it means i've more or less recovered!
but if the pain persists, i've gotta go see a bone specialist or something to get an x-ray and proper treatment.
mann, i'd pray hard that it will really heal this time!

and i also got many strong advice on how to take care of my back from now on!
and judging by the stern look of my shifu and the many warnings of how serious the effects of back injuries are, really it's not a laughing matter.
and he told me that salonpas is for old people.
so i shall stop using that.

yup so people, remember to have a good posture at all times and prevent any falls from the back down.
i don't want you to end up like me.

tomorrow is sunday!
great, i shall just lay in bed and not make too many movements :)

i want to specially thank you guys who have been praying for my back!
i am truly grateful and i just can't wait for the day when i can stop feeling so sorry for myself.
of course, hopefully it's just a problem of my back vein and not the bone!
i will overcome it in any case!

through this, i am not weakened, in fact, i grew stronger in faith.
Thank God.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
-2 Timothy 1:7-