so many happenings this week.
unexpected occurances and misunderstandings and everything.
i mean, it's obvious that life isn't always smooth sailing.
now that my ship left the habour and is heading off to the deep seas, storms and winds are just for sure.
i really am thankful.
mum told me a couple of days ago that she is happy that i have been exercising quite a bit lately in school.
she says it will help my aches and all recover faster!
then i was like really???
maybe it's not effective yet.
i feel more achy now. hahaha but definitely more healthy.
ok anyway, i'll just keep a positive outllook over my whole health issue.
i am so annoyed with my thoughts.
grant me peace oh dear lord.
maybe that's why people sleep when they are troubled.
it's the best time to lay back and just cast aside everything.
some day when you find that people judge you even before they understand you, you are right, you are normal!
there's a reason and purpose for everything i say or do, at least most of the things, it's really not to hurt you.
but if you think it's just a big mistake of me to say anything that may hurt you, i just wish you the best and i hope there wouldn't be regrets.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10 (NIV)
Only God understands me.
And He is all that matters.