Sunday, May 30, 2010

No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse. At the same time, it is within your power to make things better.

Get going. Get going. Get going!

I love how I can just have a chocolate bar for dinner. (My parents didn't know.) And I'm glad that I'm all grown up. (Less parental permission-asking, Ha!) Leading a tiny bit of unhealthy lifestyle once in awhile, especially when you are so caught up in a good book is a little aspect of life I dreamed of when I was younger. Everything just taste nice, look nice, feel nice, most importantly, one chocolate bar is more than enough to keep you full for the day and through the night.

I suddenly realised that this year, I was called to be a missionary. I am not misinterpreting that name. (or am I?) A missionary is one who carries out missions right? I did! And still am carrying out missions. Oh, no, but not those big scale projects with a high responsibility to do humanitarian works which people usually put across as some sort of nobility. No, it's not those kind that I'm doing. Yet.

They are well, missions on the runway to care, support and protect the people I love as long as I am still kicking. And these missions usually come forth after long and deep conversations with people who needs alot of support. This person needs it, and if you can understand that need, I feel that it's necessary to meet it! Bless someone today.

Incidentally, I have just taken over a new mission. (After a sad truth I have come to know of my really good friend.) And so, I'll see what I can do for her.
All in all, these missions mean alot to me, and though they are of unequal amounts, but definitely, (I like saying this) of equal sacrifices.

I don't know if what I'm doing will yield good outcomes, but I am perfectly aware of what I'm doing. I know myself best. I know that there'll be a chance that I'll get sick and tired of my efforts. And I also know that I truly have no intentions of expecting anything back, even words like 'Thank you'. I'll just do my best. I am just a missionary. A God-sent missionary.