Sunday, August 18, 2013

So many things are going through my mind and I hardly know where to begin.

Firstly, exams. One last paper to go before my well-deserved holidays arrive. I have so many plans and I do want to make them happen. Till then, I must focus first.

Secondly, new friends. I have made a couple of new friends lately and these friendships happened easier then I thought. I am truly thankful for each of them and whether these friendships are going to be seasonal or not, I still am glad I met them.

Thirdly, my brother, leader and dear friend is back from Italy. His surprise appearance overwhelmed me to tears. He's a special friend and someone I hold close to heart. It's just awesome to have him back.

Fourthly, I really appreciate my Mom. Just as I was complaining to her about my thorn-in-the-flesh pain again, she offered her help by learning deep tissue massage from me (haha) so as to do it on me. Whether she does it right or not, it doesn't matter. I know she loves me very much.

At the end of day, slow down... Don't miss out.