I am currently reading this book that ting gave me for my birthday. Pretty interesting.
i'm not yet to the end of the book, actually not even half of the book, but there's one part i want to share.
Fear is a perceieved loss of control.
The more insecured we feel, the meaner we become.
Because we feel cornered.
wow isn't it true! i'm sure all of us felt this way before.
a few days ago, i was dreaming about my 白马王子 which was kinda strange because i never felt that way before.
forget about that, anyway i have recently decided to slow down the pace of my life.
Saw the harshness of life, and the beautiful side of it as well.
And, i realised i have became more tolerant. A nicer word is understanding i guess.
Like those people giving out flyers in your neighbourhood, i observed the people passing by, some rudely showed signs of irritation, most ignored their presence and some simply grab it from their hands and shoved it into the nearest bin. Very few actually take it and see what the flyer really is about.
if everybody continues to act in such a manner, wouldn't the company producing these flyers be wasting their money on printing and finding manpower to distribute the flyers.
and isn't it wrong if we show signs of irritation when they are simply doing their job. i mean, okay, if you are really rushing to somewhere and you don't want to be disturbed, i think the only kind thing to do is to give a wave and say no thanks.
afterall, these distributers don't owe you a living, so what's with the sulky face. heh.
The above is one major example i experienced as i slowed down my pace in life.
i think it's good to stop whatever you are doing once i awhile and see how you can really contribute to the goodness of mankind.
i made a mistake in the past, because i am not afraid to tell you the truth that i am actually one of the most who simply ignore the presence of the flyer distributer.
but now, i would really want to uphold the lesson i have learnt and to understand every detail of the situation before i have negative thoughts about it.
and no, life do not suck.