Today i poured my heart out and am so blessed and humbled by the message shared by my leader during cell group meeting. Really felt that whatever he said was for me and to me. Kind of a great encouragement for all of us to rise up to a brand new level.
My faith got shaken as I began to choose to stay convicted to where i belong, and serve people in greater ways. I don't know if i'm doing it right, but by faith, i believe whatever that comes around, it's not by sheer coincidence, but a purpose :)
My life is really like a piece of clay now. Pressed hard on every side with the commitments in school, family and friends, but i will not be crushed. And who knows the pressure i am feeling now is moulding me into a person of better shape! (not literally of course)
Yesssss! No wonder people say life is like a battlefield. It's either you are prepared to fight on, or you are just preparing to lose. And i feel that it's so easy to feel so tired of everything and give up all that you were once striving for. But when comes to picking oneself up, it's yet so so so tough.
I agree with what my PE teacher said about long distance run, it's really not about how talented you are in running and not so much of how strong your stamina is, it's really your will. By keeping focus on the path you are running, each step you take is definitely not a painful and tiring one, it will be a step out of your comfort zone because even when you feel like collapsing, your will gave you courage to strike out yet another step forward :)
This reminds me that...i'm taking part in 3000m event and 4 x 100m team relay for sports day! Quite excited yet anxious at the same time. It's my first time taking part in a 3000m event! With all my friends' support, no doubt there's a little bit of pressure, i will finish the race no matter what. First or last, it doesn't really matter right? Well, nobody said being last is the loser, but if you quit, you are the loser.
Oh yes, did i mention i am working on my studies as well. Crucial year. Not a time to take things so easy. But not too seriously as well la. I mean, striking a balance between work and play is extremely important agree? :)
At the end of the day, my main goal is to honour my parents with a good deserving future and a positive attitude towards life and people :)
If you happen to feel the same way as me, three words for you, GO FOR IT!
Ok, that's about all i have to say for now. Wow long post. Shall turn in soon :) Oooh for those dear ones who have been concerned about my spine and bone problem, no worries, i have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow soooo, let's just pray that i'll get treated and healed very soon!
But right now, A cheerful heart is (really) good medicine! :)
Friends, I am doing the best i can :)