Sunday, February 7, 2010

A day of rest, maybe not for some of us.

homework homework homework!
completing some is better than completing none at all :)

Today i woke up early to go for tuition, extremely tired initially but the very challenging questions mr chong gave us to do strangely freshen me up a little. So, chem tuition today wasn't that dry. Managed to practise organic synthesis questions and essay deductive questions and what not.

Went home for lunch and for room spring clean. Dislike the mess but i am the cause of the mess. So no one to blame but myself for being consistently disorganised. Can't help it, i just have too many things i want to keep! Mummy being a cleanliness freak (in a good way), i've got no choice but to painstakingly clear up as much as i can to avoid much nagging.

And finally, late afternoon, can finally start on my homework. And drats, i dislike homework or assignments that have to handed in all on the same day. Homework rush makes people go mad, really! It's obvious to me because my friends and i become estatic especially on the day before the due date when last minute work begins... ought to change that very unhealthy habit butttt, this is jc life man.

Orientation camp for the year ones is over! Now, it's really the time when they get settled in! Hope that the camp brought many wonderful memories for them. And well done OGLs!
Ah...i am reminising :)