You'll be fine, my dear suyi :)
Did you know that the first 10minutes of your day usually determines your day!
So if you look into the mirror first thing in the morning (after you wash up of course), and tell yourself positive words, your day will end in a positive note!
Doesn't mean your day will be great all the way, but if you choose to believe and take a conscientious effort to make it end as well as you want it to be, it will!
Everyday, i am trying this out and it never fails seriously! Though the day may not start out good, but it's a personal choice to end it well!
Today i feel accomplished! Painted the choir banner, COMPLETED!!

At first glance, it's like so simple right. But if you take notice in greater detail, every drop of paint is pure effort. Seriously, it's not easy painting piano keys (at the top) with such uniformity. So proud of choir!