My spirit in me grows faint when i am so extremely bothered by my physical health at the moment. Even though i don't show that i seem really worried about it, but i honestly do. But i just choose not to appear upset about it because it's pointless i guess. I mean, if i am willed to have such problems one after another, though i get frustrated with the pain and the treatments i have to undergo, i guess i'll still have to live with it.
My life will be happier if i don't brood over the unfortunate things that befall upon me, rather, i should continue to keep a positive attitude and think of how i can help the people around me. I don't know if anyone feels the same way, but the more i think about my family, friends and people around me, the lesser and lesser i think about myself and the situation i am in.
So, now i feel greatly that being others-centered helps you forget about your own personal discomfort!
Anyway, i would like to give my opinions on certain things. This is for you, rach.
I feel that it is neither wrong nor right to hurt others' feelings just so that you can live your own life. It's just being wise in making certain decisions for certain situations. It really depends. If we are just being self-centered and insensitive of the feelings of others, then it's clearly wrong. Even if the person is downright annoying, we can't choose the people we want to have in our lives, so ultimately we still have to accept the person and accepting the person really means to respect and honour the person above yourself. At least that's how i feel. But if it means to long term issues like when it comes to relationship issues, in order to decide wisely on whether to accept this person, and if you feel that it just ain't going to work out between both of you, then by turning the person away and a friendly rejection would perhaps, hurt the person's feelings at that point of time but, if the person is understanding, i believe the hurt will be healed.
When comes to pleasing others, yet making yourself feel unhappy. I feel that it's wrong. You can please others and yet not make yourself unhappy because you just want to be nice. There's no reason for you to be mean, it's just not right. But i feel that pleasing isn't the right word to use, perhaps? Pleasing people is so superficial. It makes it sound as though the things you do for people have its conditions and reasons. The correct word to use is loving :) Because love is unconditional and it doesn't need a reason. You can't love somebody "because" of something...there's no "because"! But of course, all of us tend to be pleasers. Because we do not see the need to make sacrifices, or just to suffer a little to love somebody, like "why torture yourself?" kind of attitude, but we feel that by pleasing somebody, it will give a really good impression on others or make ourselves seem like a really nice person. But wouldn't loving someone make our niceness more genuine even if it means to sacrifice.
Love knows no boundaries!
So, it's really our own discernment to make a choice. And not based on our judgment.
Yes, so the above are merely my opinions and feelings towards making stronger relationships and restoring broken ones!
At the end of the day, people still talk about Love. So it's really Love that has the keys to the doors of successful kinship, friendships and relationships!