Sunday, July 11, 2010

It is not a manicured pathway I am setting off for... I know it's difficult.

You know when you were young, innocent, delicate and simple-minded, it doesn't really matter if someone broke your heart, or if someone insulted your intelligence, all that mattered was somebody taking away your favourite toy, or Mom not allowing you to watch TV because it's past bedtime.
So, being ignored was really okay for a kid. But now that we reach adulthood, being ignored is one serious issue it seems. As maturity grows, everything seem to matter alot. Your feelings, your needs, your wants. Everything. So much so that people get desperate and really, just less innocent.
I think every once in awhile, adults should reflect on the fragility and simplicity of being a kid. How we were once kids and how beautiful we were in the arms of our parents.

Right now, I am able to cope with my current life. The responsibilities and commitments on my part - the role of being a daughter, sister and friend. Not that I am worrying about the future because I trust God wholeheartedly, I feel that I should lead an exciting, humble and righteous life.