I was sitting at the bus stop by myself waiting for the bus, at a mood which was that of neutrality, with maybe a little degree of suspicion about the frequency of the arrival of the bus as stated on the chart. (I waited for 30 minutes for a less than 5 minute bus ride.)
I was then, thinking about the stillness of life and how Change is my friend.
Without Change, there is nothing to look forward to, it seems. No room for improvement. No growth. Then again, with Change, it brings about new concepts and ideologies of many issues, both the liberal and the controversial.
And since positivity and negativity do exist, Change do have an healthy impact on our lives but sometimes unfortunately, Change kills, so to speak.
On hind sight, all these imperfections of impermanence are reasons why people are afraid of Change. Most of us prefer to stay in our personal comfort zones without having to think about the complexities of Change and the little advantages or drawbacks that come along with it.
If the bus did arrive before 30 minutes, I believe I would not have came to such a fine conclusion for all these questioning bubbles popping out every now and then.
People think because they want to GET REAL.
(We should not be self-illusionists.)
This vexatious back condition of mine is getting out of hand. I am saying loving words to him (I presume it's a He) so that he will hurt me less.
Thank you for your prayers.