energy-drained week.
school today was pretty alright. because physics lesson was cancelled.
and chem lesson was pushed forward meaning early dismissal.
so went with 7 other friends to nearby macs to have lunch.
so went with 7 other friends to nearby macs to have lunch.
bonded a little, and saw some embarrassing moments. haha!
shall not mention..for the sake of personal privacy.
went back to school to study after lunch(:
but main purpose was to wait for michelle so we can go home together.
had a good laugh at several Youtube videos for a slight chill before getting the books out.
studied chem with odelia and rachel(:
and it was a pretty good studying session with them, with music and our 'tutor', jt who insists on hanging around our table.. haha.
oh yes, let me share something new about myself that i've learnt from rachel and odelia!
heeheehee :P
they said when i'm embarrassed, i like to adjust my specs, you know, like putting my specs to a comfortable position on my nose. like the sophisticated look. O.O
but it's a natural reaction kind of thing. haha.
and they can't stop laughing about it!!
tomorrow gotta go back to school for pw meeting.
7 30am!!
school time =.=
no worries hq, haha i will push myself to wake up and be refreshed!
i'll do anything for pw! just to ACE it mann!
have a good rest world! it's friday!
the weekend is here!!