Friday, July 31, 2009
my week
i was just reading this off my friend's personal message on msn.
it says,
Some poeple will love you for you. Most people will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.
and i mean, really, humans are soooo.. weird.
well, what i feel about the sentence.
the first part means to accept. the second part means to please. and the third part means you can NEVER please EVERYONE.
okay this week has been so to speak, a rollercoaster ride.
if i'd say things didn't improve, i'd be lying.
but if i'd say things are good, i'd be lying again.
got back midyrs and the turn out was bad.
though i already expected these results, i'm really disappointed that distraction got the better of me during the period of intense revision.
but what is done is done.
not gonna brood over it.
i'll pick up my momentum of working again.
i was tlaking to feli yesterday and she really encouraged me to reach out.
and not to sit back because the world is hurting.
it's really a burden to see so many people around me, empty inside. like how ting would describe, zombies.
all they worry are earthly things.
i don't wanna become dry.
it says,
Some poeple will love you for you. Most people will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.
and i mean, really, humans are soooo.. weird.
well, what i feel about the sentence.
the first part means to accept. the second part means to please. and the third part means you can NEVER please EVERYONE.
okay this week has been so to speak, a rollercoaster ride.
if i'd say things didn't improve, i'd be lying.
but if i'd say things are good, i'd be lying again.
got back midyrs and the turn out was bad.
though i already expected these results, i'm really disappointed that distraction got the better of me during the period of intense revision.
but what is done is done.
not gonna brood over it.
i'll pick up my momentum of working again.
i was tlaking to feli yesterday and she really encouraged me to reach out.
and not to sit back because the world is hurting.
it's really a burden to see so many people around me, empty inside. like how ting would describe, zombies.
all they worry are earthly things.
i don't wanna become dry.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
If only I was Superwoman
I would fly across the seas
I would save people from diseases
I would make the world a better place
I would travel far into outerspace
I would fight big monsters
I would make kids eat vegetables
I would carry the old home
I would go to my favourite place, Rome
I would pass with flying colours
I would make it through without any struggle
If only I was Superwoman.
I would fly across the seas
I would save people from diseases
I would make the world a better place
I would travel far into outerspace
I would fight big monsters
I would make kids eat vegetables
I would carry the old home
I would go to my favourite place, Rome
I would pass with flying colours
I would make it through without any struggle
If only I was Superwoman.
Monday, July 27, 2009
yes, today's PE was awesomely horrible.
100 sit-ups, more than 50 jumping jacks and about 1km around the track.
can you believe it?
omg seriously, never done so many sit-ups in one day before..
after which, while waiting for michelle to finish training, i went to learn how to play squash with Coach Emelia and Hannqian!
used to think that squash is boring, but then again, i had lots of fun! and it's not that tough once you get the hang of it. but of course, i'm still lousy at it..hee.
FINALLY, our class tee has been settled! =)
sense of satisfaction.
it's gonna be a polo shirt, ash grey coloured with a design of our class logo in embroidery!
i'm really excited!
hard work paid off.
thanks to rachel and michelle for going with me to queensway!
haha i had fun running in the rain with you guys. don't catch a cold ya!
i feel so silly today.
i did my work.
i did my math tutorial during the weekends.
and guess what? i left it on my study table and didn't bring it to school today!! argh.
i don't like that feeling.
who does anyway.
okay i feel so restless now.
must be the work-out from PE.
just finalised GPP and EoM(: all prepared to hand in tomorrow!
i will turn in early today.
tuesdays are long.
yes, today's PE was awesomely horrible.
100 sit-ups, more than 50 jumping jacks and about 1km around the track.
can you believe it?
omg seriously, never done so many sit-ups in one day before..
after which, while waiting for michelle to finish training, i went to learn how to play squash with Coach Emelia and Hannqian!
used to think that squash is boring, but then again, i had lots of fun! and it's not that tough once you get the hang of it. but of course, i'm still lousy at it..hee.
FINALLY, our class tee has been settled! =)
sense of satisfaction.
it's gonna be a polo shirt, ash grey coloured with a design of our class logo in embroidery!
i'm really excited!
hard work paid off.
thanks to rachel and michelle for going with me to queensway!
haha i had fun running in the rain with you guys. don't catch a cold ya!
i feel so silly today.
i did my work.
i did my math tutorial during the weekends.
and guess what? i left it on my study table and didn't bring it to school today!! argh.
i don't like that feeling.
who does anyway.
okay i feel so restless now.
must be the work-out from PE.
just finalised GPP and EoM(: all prepared to hand in tomorrow!
i will turn in early today.
tuesdays are long.
Friday, July 24, 2009

i love my PW group! <3
just remember that it's not by chance that we're grouped together so let's cherish every moment working and having fun together and simply enjoying one another's company.
Harry Potter And the Half Blood Prince.
not that bad actually.
there was humour in the movie!
i'm super sad that Prof Dumbledore died.. ):
He's so wise and so humble.
It was a good outing with odelia, xuxun, hiep, dat and yuchen! :D
hope you guys enjoyed yourself too!
omg and i realised i'm a super messy eater!!
bought popcorn and ended up having lots of popcorn on my seat and the floor after the movie.
but heyyy! it's drak in the theatre! i cant see what i'm eating mannn.
and a funny thing, odelia spotted ONE popcorn stuck to my shirt button.
and the next moment when i went out of the washroom to meet the guys, we spotteed ONE popcorn on xuxun's shit button too..!! omg super funnyyyyyyyyy
today i drew tattoos of emelia and xuxun's hand. haha it was the death eater's vow thing.
i think i drew wrongly. but whatever, it looks a bit similar from far. hee..
and now xuxn is going around telling ppl that he's gonna kill them.
though only SIX people turned up for today's CLASS outing, it was still enjoyable =)
hopefully the next round, more ppl can make it ya!
i'm super tired now but i have to wait for teeyang to send me the SMa presentation..ENDURE, yes endure.
right. this is soooo last minute!
ahhh, hope we won't screw up tomorrow!
seriously, God Bless.
not that bad actually.
there was humour in the movie!
i'm super sad that Prof Dumbledore died.. ):
He's so wise and so humble.
It was a good outing with odelia, xuxun, hiep, dat and yuchen! :D
hope you guys enjoyed yourself too!
omg and i realised i'm a super messy eater!!
bought popcorn and ended up having lots of popcorn on my seat and the floor after the movie.
but heyyy! it's drak in the theatre! i cant see what i'm eating mannn.
and a funny thing, odelia spotted ONE popcorn stuck to my shirt button.
and the next moment when i went out of the washroom to meet the guys, we spotteed ONE popcorn on xuxun's shit button too..!! omg super funnyyyyyyyyy
today i drew tattoos of emelia and xuxun's hand. haha it was the death eater's vow thing.
i think i drew wrongly. but whatever, it looks a bit similar from far. hee..
and now xuxn is going around telling ppl that he's gonna kill them.
though only SIX people turned up for today's CLASS outing, it was still enjoyable =)
hopefully the next round, more ppl can make it ya!
i'm super tired now but i have to wait for teeyang to send me the SMa presentation..ENDURE, yes endure.
right. this is soooo last minute!
ahhh, hope we won't screw up tomorrow!
seriously, God Bless.
hahaha! odelia looks niceee with flat fringe too. you can try this hairstyle ode! stop sheltering your forehead! with blown up fringe. haha!
heehee..=) rachel and i feeling random during chinese lesson. oops sorry laoshi..
michelle at work. but hmm wait, why is she smiling??
alright before i sign off, this song is for the fun we had together friends!
one of our JJ famous songs, Tonight.
Tonight we remember
All the times that we spent here
The joy and the laughter that we had
Look at us and see our smiles
This is where we all belong
I remember the times we shared together
Until my last December
Thursday, July 23, 2009
today's Alevel chinese listening exam was pretty funny.
the first passage being read out was guess what, a story i was telling my friends two days ago.
it's like psychic powers. hahaha!
after that, i went to buy food with emelia. wanted to go home with michelle and rachel but due to miscommunication, they left first.
so i just stayed on to accompany emelia before her squash training starts. hq came to join us too.
and we watched youtube videos.
super funny! LAUGHED till my stomach cramped.
that's today.
tomorrow will be an exciting day! though there's chem test and chem hmwk to hand in, we're gonna watch harry potter & the half blood prince!
yay yay! supposedly a class outing. but less than half the class can make it :(
oh well.
omg i'm thinking too much. my head hurts.
was just reading Our Daily Bread today and one thing that i must really trust on is that what looks like a detour may actually be a new road to blessing. And it takes endurance to finish the race of life.
Endure, endure.
i'm just going to love and give. And not be affected by how a person is treating me no matter how badly.
honestly, nobody knows why i do such things.
and they just choose to think the easy way out, and not the deeping meaning of it.
well, at least i believe suffering for Christ's sake is more than enough.
I'm fine.
the first passage being read out was guess what, a story i was telling my friends two days ago.
it's like psychic powers. hahaha!
after that, i went to buy food with emelia. wanted to go home with michelle and rachel but due to miscommunication, they left first.
so i just stayed on to accompany emelia before her squash training starts. hq came to join us too.
and we watched youtube videos.
super funny! LAUGHED till my stomach cramped.
that's today.
tomorrow will be an exciting day! though there's chem test and chem hmwk to hand in, we're gonna watch harry potter & the half blood prince!
yay yay! supposedly a class outing. but less than half the class can make it :(
oh well.
omg i'm thinking too much. my head hurts.
was just reading Our Daily Bread today and one thing that i must really trust on is that what looks like a detour may actually be a new road to blessing. And it takes endurance to finish the race of life.
Endure, endure.
i'm just going to love and give. And not be affected by how a person is treating me no matter how badly.
honestly, nobody knows why i do such things.
and they just choose to think the easy way out, and not the deeping meaning of it.
well, at least i believe suffering for Christ's sake is more than enough.
I'm fine.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009

i just had 2 ikea swedish sausages for supper. and now, i think i'm going through indigestion.
for a moment, i thought today wasn't such a busy busy day afterall.
but upon packing my bag, i've 3 tutorials yet to be completed!
but upon packing my bag, i've 3 tutorials yet to be completed!
though the deadline isn't tmr. still, these 3 tutorials are the ones that i'm still lagging.
and i'm awfully relieved that sentat's message came in pretty timely!
about Perseverance from a book, "Overcoming Life's Challenges".
simple message, yet it really did encourage me! thanks alot (:
i guess life's really like that huh.
that nobody's going to wait for you if you just sit there.
do nothing.
but simply stare at what you're supposed to do and not doing anything about it.
just like my tutorials.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
saturdays are always a long day out.

tired. yet fruitful.
went to school this morning to do SMa group presentation.
it was pretty productive.
hopefully everything will run smooethly cause the presentation is next saturday!
thereafter, i went to meet suyi for lunch! went to imm.
i love that place though it's pretty big. so i tend to lose my sense of direction everytime i go there..heh.
it was a good time to catch up with suyi and she had so much to say =)
i head on to service afterthat!
jurong to expo. it took me ONE HOUR only. that's how small singapore is. haha but it's a good thing anyway!
service today was so impactful.
service today was so impactful.
river of life was the focus.
right now, i'm determined to spend more time praying and meeting the needs of my family and friends.
and if you're reading this post, i'm praying to Jesus asking Him to bless you!
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. - Proverbs 27:17
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
i suddenly got reminded of this song. love it! dedicated to you friends!
i was just talking to michelle about forevers and moments.
which one do you believe in?
we both agreed that there are no forevers. only moments. memories of the moments.
so when people say friends forever! even if they are sincere about it, i'm still not so sure about trusting them for it.
even when people say i will be there for you forever. does it even come true?
i mean, i've experienced many of such things. and it's really funny that the person who said "i will be there for you" always isn't there when i need a shoulder to cry on, or just a listening ear.
how strange.
it's like heaven is playing tricks on me huh.
let's just say i gotta accept fate.
if we were meant to be friends, let's be good friends! and if we were meant to be strangers, let's be friends!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
today i stayed home.
had a bad flu.
though i'm still pretty annoyed with my constant sniffing and coughing. i'm much better.
so thanks to all those who dropped me a message of how are you and my dear friends who cheered me up after a call in the afternoon.
it's a great feeling to know someone cares for you huh.
when i'm sick, i usually give myself an excuse that i should rest. so i'll tuck myself in bed for the whole day.
but today, i didn't!
i actually studied! i did my work!
perhaps it's just a psychological thing. that i know i have to do my work or i'll lag further.
oh. EOM. i've still yet to do it.
searched for an article already and i swear i'm gonna do it right after this post =)
thanks emelia for reminding and pushing me to complete and hand it up asap! hahaha though poor mr goon is complaining of not able to finish marking our work..
tomorrow there'll be econs test! 5% of promos. gotta strive hard. every percent counts man.
on hind sight, econs is boring and complicating.
but the truth is, it's pretty interesting and conceptual. takes mcuh of common sense.
so unless you don't have common sense, you should be able to do well =)
alright, how's this blogskin? i like it cause it's clean and it speaks much of my current feelings.
i'm gonna come clean.
i'm in love with this song.
拥有 - theme song from 跑吧,孩子
uplifting words. (love the chorus!)
let's just be contented with what we have.
had a bad flu.
though i'm still pretty annoyed with my constant sniffing and coughing. i'm much better.
so thanks to all those who dropped me a message of how are you and my dear friends who cheered me up after a call in the afternoon.
it's a great feeling to know someone cares for you huh.
when i'm sick, i usually give myself an excuse that i should rest. so i'll tuck myself in bed for the whole day.
but today, i didn't!
i actually studied! i did my work!
perhaps it's just a psychological thing. that i know i have to do my work or i'll lag further.
oh. EOM. i've still yet to do it.
searched for an article already and i swear i'm gonna do it right after this post =)
thanks emelia for reminding and pushing me to complete and hand it up asap! hahaha though poor mr goon is complaining of not able to finish marking our work..
tomorrow there'll be econs test! 5% of promos. gotta strive hard. every percent counts man.
on hind sight, econs is boring and complicating.
but the truth is, it's pretty interesting and conceptual. takes mcuh of common sense.
so unless you don't have common sense, you should be able to do well =)
alright, how's this blogskin? i like it cause it's clean and it speaks much of my current feelings.
i'm gonna come clean.
i'm in love with this song.
拥有 - theme song from 跑吧,孩子
uplifting words. (love the chorus!)
let's just be contented with what we have.
Monday, July 13, 2009
jiejie composed a poem dedicated to me! <3
here it goes,
Girlish giggles, wide peck of smile
Laughter contagious, wild yet mild
Every feature a girl possesses
Is the key to the heartiest dazzle
Fostering bonds, cliques and love
Passion-driven at child birth
What would a guy do without a woman?
At his side, with faith that burns
Career wise, strong-willed, whole-hearted
What else can one differ
From authorisation to an organisation
It's the perfect quality that makes us one
As who we are, standing firm
From a girl to a woman, we have grown
Wisdom, mature, entirely wholesome
By Pearlyn Khoo
nice huh =)
here it goes,
Girlish giggles, wide peck of smile
Laughter contagious, wild yet mild
Every feature a girl possesses
Is the key to the heartiest dazzle
Fostering bonds, cliques and love
Passion-driven at child birth
What would a guy do without a woman?
At his side, with faith that burns
Career wise, strong-willed, whole-hearted
What else can one differ
From authorisation to an organisation
It's the perfect quality that makes us one
As who we are, standing firm
From a girl to a woman, we have grown
Wisdom, mature, entirely wholesome
By Pearlyn Khoo
nice huh =)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
finally, physics, chem and math block tests are over for me.
never did i expect myself to survive through 2 papers in one morning.
thank God.
but the papers are sure tough. unexpected questions came out and i stared at it blankly, trying to recall what i've learnt but to no avail.
i put in alot alot alot of effort already..and the best i could so i shall not think negative.
putting my fingers cross.
today, the air smells real good. not that my nose is sensitive, but really, the air is refreshing! maybe because it rained today. so the cool breeze made every disappointment i had earlier disappear =)
i was out for more than 12 hours today. and it felt pretty good.
i went to church right after school for Bible study (yay!) and service!
an awesome sermon! and i am humbled once again.
just made a things to do list and WOAH, so little time, so much to do!
coming monday will be my Alevel chinese oral exam! hmmm it seems like just yesterday i took my Olevel oral exam!
i seriously need to prepare myself for this oral exam. this means alot to me for my entire chinese grade!
gah. how about the other work left to be done..sigh.
gotta learn how to prioritize more effectively i guess.
i'm still pretty worried for my two dear classmates who have been quarantined since wednesday cause of suspected H1N1. rest well and have a speedy recovery friends! keeping you guys in prayers.
jiayou! fight the germs!
never did i expect myself to survive through 2 papers in one morning.
thank God.
but the papers are sure tough. unexpected questions came out and i stared at it blankly, trying to recall what i've learnt but to no avail.
i put in alot alot alot of effort already..and the best i could so i shall not think negative.
putting my fingers cross.
today, the air smells real good. not that my nose is sensitive, but really, the air is refreshing! maybe because it rained today. so the cool breeze made every disappointment i had earlier disappear =)
i was out for more than 12 hours today. and it felt pretty good.
i went to church right after school for Bible study (yay!) and service!
an awesome sermon! and i am humbled once again.
just made a things to do list and WOAH, so little time, so much to do!
coming monday will be my Alevel chinese oral exam! hmmm it seems like just yesterday i took my Olevel oral exam!
i seriously need to prepare myself for this oral exam. this means alot to me for my entire chinese grade!
gah. how about the other work left to be done..sigh.
gotta learn how to prioritize more effectively i guess.
i'm still pretty worried for my two dear classmates who have been quarantined since wednesday cause of suspected H1N1. rest well and have a speedy recovery friends! keeping you guys in prayers.
jiayou! fight the germs!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
yipee yay! it's great to be back to school!
but i kinda miss ayg.
haha no more late mornings and breakfast at macs. mugging at macs too. and having fun in swissotel, meeting people from different countries, having buffets and slacking in the extremely cozy washroom..
but in any case, school's much better. some may disagree but i can't agree more.
at least, friends are there no matter how tough things go.
you know, encouragement =)
oh mann rachel, you gotta teach me how to play the spirited away piano piece! it's super beautiful! though it's a sad song..
i think i can learn better if someone teaches me. i can't read scores for nuts!
thanks in advance! hee..
some photos from KBOX.
Monday, July 6, 2009
today we went KBOX to celebrate teen's birthday! whoohoo it was sure a blast!
now, my voice needs to rest.
seeing teen was such a nice feeling.
ahhh i still remember the good old days...doing crazy things together.
i love that!
& those memories will be kept close to my heart!
hahaha guess what we did during ayg duty today?
okay fine..some of us were studying.
and i swear i did 3 physics questions and started digressing.
i'm really determined to mug super hard tomorrow. and become SMAH!
SUPER MUGGER AT HOME. (which was supposedly hq's second name..heh)
today 3 persons asked me if i was okay. do i really seem like i'm not okay?
tell me please.
anyway, whatever it is, keep on going ayg jjcians! let's jiayou especially in this busy busy week of tests! Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!
running this race with you!
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. 2 Corinthians 16:13
now, my voice needs to rest.
seeing teen was such a nice feeling.
ahhh i still remember the good old days...doing crazy things together.
i love that!
& those memories will be kept close to my heart!
hahaha guess what we did during ayg duty today?
okay fine..some of us were studying.
and i swear i did 3 physics questions and started digressing.
i'm really determined to mug super hard tomorrow. and become SMAH!
SUPER MUGGER AT HOME. (which was supposedly hq's second name..heh)
today 3 persons asked me if i was okay. do i really seem like i'm not okay?
tell me please.
anyway, whatever it is, keep on going ayg jjcians! let's jiayou especially in this busy busy week of tests! Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!
running this race with you!
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. 2 Corinthians 16:13
Sunday, July 5, 2009
hmmm i like how this word sounds.
everything seems so weird today. the things i said and the way i behaved.
i am so sorry if i kinda freak you guys out today. hahaha it was a GOTCHA! (my acting skills aren't that bad huh!)
don't worry! i will stay strong!
ok! enough of sad stuff.
now i am feeling happy! because mummy's gonna prepare dinner for us! =) yay it's been ages since i had homecooked meals.
went for ayg duty today but there wasn't much to do. except for preparing the friendship booth and going to the washroom occassionally to rest on the relatively cozy couch in a relatively nice environment. hee..
this song got stuck in my head the whole day today.
Make some Noise by Miley Cyrus
Don't let anyone tell you that you're not strong enough
Don't give up
Cause there's nothing wrong with just being yourself
That's more than enough
pretty meaningful lyrics yeah.
don't judge me if you don't understand me.
hmmm i like how this word sounds.
everything seems so weird today. the things i said and the way i behaved.
i am so sorry if i kinda freak you guys out today. hahaha it was a GOTCHA! (my acting skills aren't that bad huh!)
don't worry! i will stay strong!
ok! enough of sad stuff.
now i am feeling happy! because mummy's gonna prepare dinner for us! =) yay it's been ages since i had homecooked meals.
went for ayg duty today but there wasn't much to do. except for preparing the friendship booth and going to the washroom occassionally to rest on the relatively cozy couch in a relatively nice environment. hee..
this song got stuck in my head the whole day today.
Make some Noise by Miley Cyrus
Don't let anyone tell you that you're not strong enough
Don't give up
Cause there's nothing wrong with just being yourself
That's more than enough
pretty meaningful lyrics yeah.
don't judge me if you don't understand me.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
oh gosh, i can't seem to keep myself away from the comp ever since my internet got fixed ytd.
And i'm seriously reminising all the times i had in school with my friends. miss you guys terribly.
i was listening to 'Footprints in the sand' about a million times and it just made me cry, over and over again.
oh yes, i was suppose to mention on my blog that hq can drink FOUR & a HALF bowls of soup in one go!
it all happened on 2nd July 2009, swissotel, dinner time.
i'm totally awed.
okay, after receiving an email of the dates for CTs and recovery lessons, i had shivers. one thing i know, i'm not scared. Just unprepared.
STRESS is coming.
i really don't want to feel so bad over what i'm going through right now. the tough times. And i mean, not just studies alone. but other stuff in life that i care about.
how i wish i could smile it through and at the end, having people patting on my shoulder, saying well done jolyn.
And i'm seriously reminising all the times i had in school with my friends. miss you guys terribly.
i was listening to 'Footprints in the sand' about a million times and it just made me cry, over and over again.
oh yes, i was suppose to mention on my blog that hq can drink FOUR & a HALF bowls of soup in one go!
it all happened on 2nd July 2009, swissotel, dinner time.
i'm totally awed.
okay, after receiving an email of the dates for CTs and recovery lessons, i had shivers. one thing i know, i'm not scared. Just unprepared.
STRESS is coming.
i really don't want to feel so bad over what i'm going through right now. the tough times. And i mean, not just studies alone. but other stuff in life that i care about.
how i wish i could smile it through and at the end, having people patting on my shoulder, saying well done jolyn.
Friday, July 3, 2009
I'm extrememly glad that my internet is fixed! That explains why i've been out of reach from my blog for the past 2 weeks.
is the other reason.
Today I'm feeling emotional.
And i mean, really emotional.
Haha perhaps it was my suggestion earlier to talk abt touching stories.
Thank you hannqian, shihan and christine for your time. And of course to your wonderful touching stories that gave me lots of goosebumps and made my nose turn sour. (& made shihan cry..)
Once in awhile, i guess it's good to get emo. At least it makes you think and i mean, deep thoughts.
I've been so so so busy with AYG and catching up with my studies and i just don't know if i can actually handle the stress. seriously.
how i wish i can get back on track with my dear chemistry, mathematics and physics.
ahh this is insane.
just gonna do my best, and let God do the rest!
all the way guys!
remember, if you aren't going all the way, why go at all?
take care!
is the other reason.
Today I'm feeling emotional.
And i mean, really emotional.
Haha perhaps it was my suggestion earlier to talk abt touching stories.
Thank you hannqian, shihan and christine for your time. And of course to your wonderful touching stories that gave me lots of goosebumps and made my nose turn sour. (& made shihan cry..)
Once in awhile, i guess it's good to get emo. At least it makes you think and i mean, deep thoughts.
I've been so so so busy with AYG and catching up with my studies and i just don't know if i can actually handle the stress. seriously.
how i wish i can get back on track with my dear chemistry, mathematics and physics.
ahh this is insane.
just gonna do my best, and let God do the rest!
all the way guys!
remember, if you aren't going all the way, why go at all?
take care!
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